Comparative Haematology International provides a source for the publication of reviews research reports technical notes and case histories covering all aspects of haematology in any species. The journal addresses itself to all scientists with an interest in the field of comparative haematology: research institutes toxicology and pathology laboratories medical and veterinary colleges and practices zoological institutes universities and teaching hospitals. Comparative Haematology International publishes papers encompassing the total spectrum of comparative haematology including: classical haematology cellular physiology toxicology immuno-haematology cell kinetics haemostasis haematopoietic malignancies immunodeficiency states molecular biology immunophenotyping bone marrow transplantation cytokines and haematopoietic growth factors evolutionary haematology cellular lineages rheology and functional identification. Articles can incorporate: normal values abnormal reactions human and veterinary as well as zoological data diagnostic and toxicological changes experimental studies both in vivo and in vitro. Discontinued. Now Comparative Clinical Physiology.
Formato: Pdf
Idioma: Ingles
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